Paxca – March 2024

Join ISC2 Hawaii and Pacxa as we talk about what time means in the scope of security and how its a benefit but also a downside.
Topic: Time is COMSEC, Protection, and the Threat
“Time equals money” An adage as old as the dawn of structured currency, where the manipulation of data led to successful breach points resulting in a loss of productivity, revenue, and material. Since the beginning of the computing era, time has ruled the infrastructure, from the wave length measurements of wireless to the pulse width clocks of early processors. In this presentation, discover how time, no matter how trivial, rules cyber engagements. Time is COMSEC, Protection, and the Threat is the exploration of the dynamic interplay between time and security, dissecting how time serves as the cornerstone of communication security (COMSEC), acts as both protector and threat, and influences the effectiveness of our defense strategies. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and discover actionable strategies to strengthen your security posture in an ever-evolving landscape!
Speaker Bio:
Jonathan Lee is the Information Security Manager at Pacxa, boasts expertise in Networking, Information Systems, and Mobile Technologies, ensuring organizations stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Beyond his IT prowess, Jonathan has spent six years honing his skills in lighting and sound production at The Crossroads at Hawaiian Brian’s, enhancing live productions and musicians’ performances with strategic placement and control of audiovisual systems. Committed to delivering top-notch support, Jonathan excels in remote assistance and training, catering to users’ needs anytime, anywhere. Additionally, as a member of the Hawaii Army National Guard, Jonathan brings military discipline and expertise, having completed Signal Support Specialist training with honors, embodying the battalion motto “Quality All Ways.” Through his involvement in National Guard Exercise Missions, Jonathan provides crucial network-server and radio communications support, ensuring optimal connectivity for commanding officers.
Location: 643 Ilalo St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Date and Time: March 21st 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Doors open at 5:30pm
ISC2 Hawaii and ISSA Members: FREE
Students and First Time Attendees: FREE
Non-Members: $20
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Registration required. Certified ISC2 professional Hawaii members receive 4 continuing professional education (CPE) and we will submit on your behalf. All other attendees will recieve 4 CPE credits but you must submit on your own.
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