June Meetings

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June was an exceptional month for the chapter as we hosted not one but two events.

On June 15th we partnered with our friends at ISACA to host SailPoint, discussing several topics surrounding Identity Security.  More than 50 attendees descended upon Dave & Buster’s Honolulu to hear Alex Bonnifield, an advisory solutions architect with SailPoint, discuss the finer points of AI in identity security, why identity security is a critical part of enterprise governance, and how privileged access management solutions can bring value to organizations.

June 30th marked our chapter’s Summer Mixer, one of two social events held each year to bring our members, guests, and the Hawaii IT security community together for an evening of casual networking, pub quiz games, and presentations.  This year’s Summer Mixer was held at Amuse Wine Bar’s Cupolo Gallery and included a delectable menu straight out of the kitchen at Stage Restaurant.  We were fortunate to have Palo Alto as our sponsor, with Josh Gallardo and Kaipo Alakai presenting on threat landscapes, organizational security missions for 2023, and education and training opportunities.  Two lucky pub quiz winners left with a $100 Amazon gift card, an (ISC)² polo shirt, and a complimentary one-year membership to the chapter!

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