CyberPatriot Mentorship

Schools all across Hawaii need cybersecurity professionals like yourself to assist them with CyberPatriot. We have talked to many schools who need mentors with hands on knowledge to help and grow their students. If you are interested in supporting cyber initiatives and training the next generation within the State of Read more…

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

CyberGenerations, led by Sandy Taggart has events lined up for our kupuna for the entire month of October! Below are the speakers for various initiatives. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to 10/4Kupuna UBryson Silver 10/6Aiea Public LibraryMike Gee 10/11Kupuna UAugustine Joliffe 10/18Kupuna UAugustine Joliffe Read more…

AFCEA Technet Indo-Pacific

Accelerate Indo-Pacific Innovation November 7th-9th 2023 TechNet Indo-Pacific is the largest event of its kind in the Indo-Pacific Rim. The conference focuses on the regional issues military leaders have identified, including full spectrum cyber operations as adversaries leverage cyberspace to conduct operations below the threshold of conflict. TechNet Indo-Pacific features Read more…

ISSA Discover

The Dawn of AI: Friend or Foe Honolulu Country Club October 11-12, 2023. For cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to benefit both the defenders and their adversaries. Threat actors are using AI to instantly generate sophisticated and evasive attacks, while security teams are now using AI-powered security tools Read more…

Horizon Summit

Aloha Membership, We are helping promote the Horizon Cybersecurity CISO/CIO Summit and Tech Venture Forum from Oct 1-6 in Oahu at Turtle Bay resort. You can participate in one or both events as an attendee, speaker, presenter or sponsor.  You will network and give product demos to over 100 Global Read more…

ISC2 Hawaii Elections

Aloha ISC2 Members, Our elections are scheduled to take place during our September meeting. We encourage you to actively participate in this democratic process and together, we can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Key Information: Deadline for Nominations: September 15, 2023 Elections: Read more…